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Have a look how digitalisation changed our lives at ArcelorMittal

In the space of just a few years, the technology available to our business has expanded dramatically. That has given us the ability to develop products faster, improve our safety, our processes and reliability, and meet customer needs very quickly. 
Having people with the analytical skills to leverage data and systems to get the best out of a digital organisation will be a key driver in making the most of the opportunities Industry 4.0 will bring. 

We are already seeing the benefits of this in our production processes. Algorithms and sensors, combined with new computing power, allow us to “listen” to blast furnaces to better understand their health and more accurately plan maintenance and re-lines. 

Drones, robots, autonomous cranes, big data and biomimicry... The future is today at ArcelorMittal. 

I'm sure some of you will still remember those big floppy discs from the eighties. Impressive to see how it all changed...

The steel industry, an old-fashioned business? Think again...  



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A special thanks to Jeroen Op de Beeck for the pictures