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5 reasons to choose steel food cans

This month, ArcelorMittal was supposed to participate in MetPack, the most important global meeting place for the international metal packaging industry. As the event is now delayed to May 2023, let's review in the meantime 5 good reasons why steel food cans are the best alternative for a sustainable, resilient, and environmentally friendly food system.

1. Provide healthy and nutritious food whenever you need it

Steel cans retain product freshness, flavour and nutritional value longer than any other packaging (for 3-5 years), even at ambient or high temperatures.

2. Reduce food waste

Portion-size packaging allow consumers to buy the precise quantity needed and throw less food away.

3. Help save primary resources

Steel is infinitely recyclable and loses none of its strength or inherent qualities, no matter how many times it is recycled - an unrivalled benefit.

4. Help save energy

Food cans are stored without requiring any refrigeration

5. ​Reduce the need for additional packaging

The strength and stability provided by steel packaging en​sure resistance to shock, particularly during transport

Preserving, a way of life

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Banner image: BrunoRosa /
isak55 /