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Our steel in Siberia: cold logic

ArcelorMittal provided 19,500 tonnes of beams and around 20,000 tonnes of sheet piles – all produced in Luxembourg – for the Yamal liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Northwestern Siberia. ArcelorMittal's steel perfectly matched the requirements for the extreme climatic conditions, where the temperatures can reach -50°C.

16.5 million tonnes of gas per year as from 2017

The Yamal Project is a long-term development plan to exploit the vast natural gas reserves of the Yamal Peninsula in Northwestern Siberia. The gas produced at the field will be delivered to the international markets in a liquefied natural gas form, thus requiring the construction of a liquefaction plant in Sabetta with 3 production trains (each with an annual capacity of 5.5 million tonnes) and important infrastructure developments.

Around 40,000 tonnes of ArcelorMittal steel

In 2014-2015, ArcelorMittal’s Belval and Differdange mills in Luxembourg, supplied 19,500 tonnes of beams for the project (special steel grades suitable for applications at temperatures as low as -50°C). The beams were mainly used to build the supporting structure of the plant: the gas liquefaction and purification facilities as well as the auxiliary equipment and industrial buildings and halls.

Belval and Differdange also provided around 20,000 tonnes of sheet piles for the construction of the port of Sabetta. The port, part of the Yamal infrastructure investments, is a new seaport under construction on the western shore of the Ob Bay. It is being developed by the Russian gas company Novatek, in partnership with the Government of Russia.

Hot rolled steel sheet piles suited for extreme temperatures

ArcelorMittal’s steel was chosen for this project as we can supply hot rolled steel sheet piles with a steel grade matching the requirements for extreme climatic conditions, including installation of the steel sheet piles at very low temperatures.

The total scope of this mega project includes:

  • in the first stage, 4 quay walls with a total length of approximately 915 m, for which ArcelorMittal’s Belval and Differdange mills supplied 9,700 tonnes of our HZ/AZ system in 2012
  • the South-Eastern Ice Barrier (deep-water part, 773.8 m) for which Belval supplied 6,772 tonnes of steel sheet piles in 2014
  • the North-Western Ice Barrier (1,270 m)
  • 2 loading platforms with 3,616 tonnes of steel sheet piles supplied by Belval in 2015

The North-Western and South-Eastern ice barriers will protect the seaport from ice floes and will protect the docks involved in the shipment of LNG and gas condensate.

LNG production will be launched at the end of 2017. A peak production of 16.5 million tonnes per year is expected to be reached in 2021.


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©ded pixto /

©vladimir salman /

©Georgy Golovin /