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ArcelorMittal resumes its PSIA challenge with paint suppliers

Sustainability was at the forefront of ArcelorMittal's Paint Sustainability Innovation Awards (PSIA) that have resumed this year after two years of interruption. Known since 2014 the as Paint Suppliers Innovation Awards, the name of the challenge has changed to reflect the growing importance of sustainability expected from our suppliers in their ideas.

"Retaining our leadership position in pre-painted steels requires exploring innovative concepts making organic coated steel more sustainable. While cost-effectiveness and societal impact remain major pillars of sustainability, environmental differentiation and more precisely decarbonisation efforts from our paint suppliers are even more expected", explained Jean-Luc Thirion, head of Flat Products Research and Development at ArcelorMittal in his keynote speech during the ceremony. He continued: "Just like the XCarb™ steel substrates that we produce today, we need to extend this concept to organic coated steel dedicated to the construction and industry sectors.. For that, innovation is required from our suppliers to lower coatings' emissions."

Introducing the keynote speech part of the ceremony, Eric Niedziela, VP Climate Action Europe and chairman of ArcelorMittal France, explained ArcelorMittal's commitments and roadmap to decarbonise steelmaking and provided an insight of the political and economic contexts in which we navigate to make our journey to zero a reality.

The recently completed 2022 edition of the PSIA has enabled identification of promising ideas.
The scope of the submissions included:

  • All product end-uses and market segments
  • All components of pre-coated steels that include but not limited to:
  • product (paint, varnish, laminate film, thin organic coating, surface treatments),
  • process (technology, measurement tools, …),
  • tools to quantify the sustainability improvement (models, methodology, …)
  • Coil coating business specific to North America and Europe

Judging panel members from various ArcelorMittal departments in Europe and Canada – research and development, purchasing and marketing – have designated the three following winners from the 12 companies shortlisted:

  • Henkel for the quality of their submissions and presentation. Henkel is an industry leader and a great partner in the field of metal coating.
  • Mäder for the alignment of their submission with ArcelorMittal's sustainability targets. This is a great success for their first participation
  • PPG for their proposal dealing with better performance during the use phase of buildings, an excellent way to combine innovation and sustainability.