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ArcelorMittal at RE+

ArcelorMittal exhibited at RE+ (former Solar Power International show) on 12-14 September 2023, in Las Vegas (USA), the largest gathering of energy professionals in North America.

When selecting materials for support structures for PV panels, factors such as durability, maintenance costs, and installation structural stability drive material choices. For the past ten years, Magnelis® from ArcelorMittal has been a standout choice. Magnelis®, the leading coated steel for solar mounting structures, provides outstanding protection against corrosion for all mounting structures components (tubes, rails, posts). It has been used in more than 20 GW of solar energy installations around the world, and can offer up to 30 years lifetime in atmospheric conditions and soil, based on steel thicknesses and coating mass.

During the fair, ArcelorMittal highlighted its new higher coating weight Magnelis® ZM800. After Magnelis® ZM620, the layer of 800 grams/square meter is quite unique in the world of zinc aluminum magnesium coated steel coils. Both coatings can offer equivalent or better corrosion resistance than post-galvanized steels and faster and cheaper alternatives to post galvanization or aluminum. Magnelis® ZM800 offers up to 25 years warranty against corrosion in soils.

ArcelorMittal also highlighted its steel solar module frame, produced in partnership with Origami Solar and Welser profile. Steel module frames produced in the United States and Germany can reduce CO2 emissions by 86%, from 217 to 29 tons CO2e per MW solar capacity installed, when compared to aluminum module frames manufactured and shipped from China (Source: Boundless impact research & analytics).

Visitors also discovered ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel made via an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) using scrap steel and 100% renewable electricity. XCarb® products have a CO2 footprint which is 70% less compared to conventional blast furnace (BOF) produced steels.

More info on Magnelis®

ArcelorMittal North America

Steels for solar energy generation systems

Copyright image at the top: Energy5