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ArcelorMittal Europe's climate action plans

ArcelorMittal Europe’s Climate Action objective is to transform the production of the 32 Mt ArcelorMittal produces in Europe and reach -35% Scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions by 2030 across Europe.

Our roadmap features five groupings of actions and initiatives (‘levers’) that act as stepping stones to achieving carbon neutrality, i.e. net zero CO2 emissions, by 2050

We have developed the industry’s broadest and most flexible suite of low-emissions steelmaking technologies and are integrating them into two pathways, Innovative DRI and Smart Carbon, both of which are revolutionary ways of making steel and hold the potential to deliver carbon-neutral steelmaking. Our technological pathways mainly consist of:

Innovative DRI

Use of hydrogen to reduce iron ore without emitting CO2

Integrating an increasing share of recycled steel into production

Already up to 25% in 2022

Continue optimising blast furnace production

Including use of hydrogen to decrease emissions during the transition phase


Many projects have already been announced, totalling a +€5bn investment, and are subject to approval from EU authorities. 


What were ArcelorMittal Europe’s CO2 emissions in 2023?

Metric Unit 2023
Absolute CO2e footprint Million tonnes CO2e 52.6
- Scope 1 CO2e Million tonnes CO2e 46.0
- Scope 2 CO2e Million tonnes CO2e 2.1
- Scope 3 CO2e Million tonnes CO2e 4.6
CO2e intensity - scope 1, 2, 3 tCO2e/tonne of crude steel 1.8

Operational boundary
: ArcelorMittal Europe includes ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products and ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products.
Methodology: All methodologies developed for the indicators in this table can be found in the Basis of Reporting.