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450 kilometres in 2 hours? It is now possible

ArcelorMittal Europe delivered 60,000 tonnes of rails and 1,000 tonnes of sections and flat bars for the 450 km Haramain High Speed Rail project also known as the "Mecca-Medina high speed railway", inaugurated on 25 September 2018. 

A 300 km/h alternative 

Located in Saudi Arabia, this new rail line connects the cities of Medina and Mecca. It is planned to provide a safe and comfortable transport at a 300 km/h speed and will help to relieve traffic congestion on the roads.

ArcelorMittal, a worldwide reference in high speed rail supply

To build the electrified double-track line, ArcelorMittal España supplied 60,000 tonnes of 25 metre-long 60E1 – R260 rails.

ArcelorMittal steel was chosen as we are a worldwide reference in high speed rail supply. We also have 5 facilities over the world for rail supply, of which 4 are located in Europe: Rodange (Luxembourg), Dabrowa and Krolewska (Poland), Gijón (Spain).

A further contribution from Distribution Solutions Iberia

The rails are not the only contribution of ArcelorMittal Europe. Distribution Solutions Iberia provided (via its long-term customer Dicome) 1,000 tonnes of sections and flat bars produced in Olaberria and Bergara to realise the overhead power cable post between January 2014 and April 2015.

Credits: Saudi Railways Organization